A few days ago, I found this wonderful idea of changing my hair color, but while making it look natural and girlish. I stepped over these pictures on
Tumblr of the phenomena called OMBRE HAIR. It is actually a gradient blond, which looks really good, but applied by a professional. Some photos for you:
After seeing these pictures, as a hopeless naive that I am, I thought to myself "Hey, this shouldn't be that hard to make. You just put on some bleach and that's it" YEAH. RIGHT.
I went to the supermarket, but some bleach, and went straight back home to try and do this all by myself. I typed YouTube.com on my laptop, looked for some short, multi-viewed tutorial to learn the steps, and went straight to business. I applied the bleach, and waited. And waited. I was supposed to wait for 30 minutes. I waited for 45 mins. And my hair was doing NOTHING. I noticed just a slight attempt to become orange, and that was all. I washed my hair, which became harsh and hard to brush and sighed resigned.
Why didn't it work? Well, I didn't take into consideration the history of my hair. During my high school years, I went from dark blonde to deep black hair. I've tried several colors, and stuck to black for some time. I thought that, because I hadn't dyed my hair black for over a year, it shouldn't matter and my hair would have lightened easily. But it didn't. I have these orange tips of hair and I can't wait to get home and dye my hair again into a natural brown.
So, if you want ombre hair, I recommend you go to a professional. It costs more but the result is guaranteed.